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Happy Chinese New Year, 2018 the Year of the Dog!

See What Your Name Looks Like in Chinese Characters?

Send to someone you love for birthday, marriage anniversary, new year, Christmas day, getting well, new job, new home or new office, new business, new store, new car and so on.

Your FREE Gift Card with Your Name or Words in Chinese Characters

2017 Year of Rooster 鳮年

Gift Card for the Year of the Rooster (2017)

Your Chinese Zodiac Animal Symbol:

Chinese zodiac symbols dog

Your English Name:

David Clinton

Your Chinese Name:

(Your name will be translated by our Chinese translator manually, NOT by a software roughly!)

大卫 . 克林顿

May All Go Well in the Year of the Monkey!

FREE Gift Card with Your Chinese Name in Chinese Characters

It's FREE with any item ordered on our website. If you don't want to order any this time, you may enter "Customer Code" 111 on Shopping Cart to get $2.00 S & H fee discount if ordering Free gift card only.

If you want another name (different from Name on Order Form) or any other words, please Enter in "Comments" or "Special Notes" Section of Check-out Order Form.

The Lucky Zodiac Animals in 2017: No.1 Ox. Click for a Free Feng Shui Charm or Necklace!

Zodiac Ox jade pendant

FREE Chinese Zodiac Fengshui Jade Lucky Charms for Chinese New Year!

Chinese Zodiac Rooster (2017) Fengshui Lucky Charms or Necklaces with Red Envelope

Green Rooster Jadeite Rooster Red Rooster Green Rooster Green Rooster Lucky Money Purple Rooster
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Our 5x security: 1. SSL Secure Server, authorized Shipping Cart with VERIFIED SECURE SEAL; 2. Your credit card is NOT charged automatically. It's never charged before security checking by Our human staffs. Our Offline Payment Processing is more safe for you; 3. Guarantee to delete your credit card # from our computers; 4. 30 days Money-Back Guarantee (Read detail on Shopping Cart); 5. Enter your email address on order form and we'll email a Tracking No. for Delivery Confirmation of your package.
Disclaimer: Feng Shui and Chinese Zodiacs are part of the Chinese culture for several thousand years in Asia. We collect and introduce this knowledge for information only, not as a formal advice.
Longherb Health Products
Longherb Health Products (LHP), USA since 1992
Phone or SMS: 1-626-675-9908; email to: syw888@gmail.com
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