rat zodiac sign ox zodiac sign tiger zodiac sign rabbit zodiac sign dragon zodiac sign snake zodiac sign horse zodiac sign goat zodiac sign monkey zodiac sign rooster zodiac sign dog zodiac sign pig zodiac sign



Happy Chinese New Year!

鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡 狗 猪

monkey chinese zodiac symbol

The Monkey Ensuing Chinese Zodiac Symbols

Year of the Monkey : 2/08/2016, 1/22/2004, 2/04/1992, 2/16/1980, 1/30/1968, 2/12/1956, 1/25/1944, 2/06/1932, 2/20/1920. Note: The Chinese New Year may begin at January or February. If you were born at January or February, you may need to refer to the Year in Chinese Lunar Calendar. Click for Chinese New Year's Day for every year.

A Suitable "Animal" is Perfect as a Partner, Coworker, or Married with you. The Monkey will get along Well with the Dragon and the Rat, but have to Avoid the Tiger!

Other Ensuing symbols for a Monkey: bagua;

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Advantages of Monkey people: Intelligent, inventive, successful, skillful with hands, fast decision maker, clever, magnetic personality, make close friends, entertaining, good memory, well informed, more famous than others.

Disadvantages of Monkey people: Easily discouraged, sometimes dangerous, not trusted, problem maker, talk too much and chatter, overlong explanations for tiny things, contemptuous of poor and weaker, like expensive gifts, inclined to others more powerful than them.

Career: Have a larger space to display your talent. Win the leadership, trust and appreciation from colleagues. Opportunity to come one by one.

Romance: Lucky flower is blossoming; Love good, marriage is timing.

Disclaimer: Feng Sufi and Chinese Zodiacs are part of the Chinese culture for several thousand years in Asia. We collect and introduce this knowledge for information only, not as a formal advice.
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